What imported Drains Cameras are the Best?
It’s hard to give you specifics on the Best Brands as every brand or manufacturer will claim that their product is the best. It’s more important that we look at what the best features are that an imported drain camera should have, in order to be the best, and then do a comparison on what cameras you’re looking at and see if they have these features. I will list the non-negotiable features that your imported drain camera must have to be considered:

1. Warranty

2. Local Sales Agent & Repairer

3. Interchangeable Spares and Replacement Parts

4. External Battery Cradle

5. Cable

6. Camera Head
The camera head must be robust and be able to withstand the tortures of the Average Australian Plumber will put them through on a daily basis. A couple of things to look for: the lens needs to be sapphire glass, meaning it’s hardened and scratch-resistant, the camera head needs to have a built-in 512 HZ sonde, there’s always times you will want to locate the camera head so the sonde is a necessary requirement.

7. Ruggedness of the Unit

8. Image quality
Determining the best-imported drain camera isn’t just about the brand; it’s about the essential features that ensure its performance and durability. These non-negotiable features include a robust warranty, local support, interchangeable parts, an external battery cradle, durable cable, a rugged camera head, a sturdy unit, and superior image quality. By considering these factors, you can make a wise choice when selecting the right drain camera for your needs, ensuring reliability and efficiency in your plumbing work.
Check out our sewer drain inspection cameras, CCTV drain cameras, and plumbing equipment tools by contacting us at 1800 961 731 or emailing us at contact@razorbackdrains.au.